Introducing Driver•i's Drowsy Driver Alert Feature

May 17, 2023

Collision Avoidance
Distracted Driving
Fleet Dash Cams
Fleet Management
Fleet Safety
May 17, 2023
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Netradyne's newest feature, Advanced Driver Drowsiness, will be available May 30th in the Driver�i product suite.This new cutting-edge feature detects early-to-late stages of drowsy driving; providing a more comprehensive view into driver behavior.Advanced Driver Drowsiness helps drivers and safety managers identify and mitigate risk associated with the possibility of a driver falling asleep and causing an accident.

How it Works

techniques to prevent drowsy driving

Driver drowsiness is a key risk factor in fleet safety. A 2010-2013 AAA study quantifies approximately 10 percent of all vehicle crashes are due to driver drowsiness.Advanced Driver Drowsiness is a groundbreaking analytics feature available in the Driver�i product suite. It is designed to detect early and late stages of drowsy driving based on changes in eye movement and head posture.The high-accuracy capability of Driver�i is enabled by superior AI edge-detection computers. This new feature enables drivers to stay safe and alert on the road.Through periodic audio alerts, this functionality provides both drivers and fleet safety managers with insight into potential risks caused by driver sleep deprivation, enabling them to take steps towards preventing accidents before they happen.For those who may need extra help staying awake or otherwise driving safely, personalized coaching from the manager can be provided as well.A fleet safety manager is able to review and coach drivers who consistently trigger these alerts, providing crucial context into driver behavior.

Software Comparison: Lytx and Samsara

drowsy driver detection

Lytx, Samsara, and Motive have limited or no drowsy detection capabilities. Driver�i is the only safety system able to provide this comprehensive data and coaching tool.Driver�i dash cams offer the highest accuracy and seamlessly integrate with other Netradyne features, resulting in improved efficiencies and increased performance at lower costs.Only Netradyne can provide additional detailed data to inform behavior reinforcement and correction initiatives.

Looking Ahead

Netradyne continues to expand its monitoring and coaching capabilities with regular improvements to Driver�i� technology. Advanced Driver Drowsiness levels-up distracted driving capabilities, staying fully committed to innovation and fleet safety.Have questions or want to learn more about our other features? Contact us today or read more here.